Request A Band Saw Assessment: Reduce Costs & Increase Efficiency

A saw assessment provides an on-site documented cost savings analysis, performed by highly trained Starrett saw specialists, territory representatives, or product managers. Saw tests are performed on your equipment, and results are carefully measured, often resulting in dramatic savings that can protect your company in a virulent market or increase cash on hand for further growth and investments. Let Starrett and the A&M Industrial Team remove the guesswork from your saw applications with comprehensive supporting data that empowers your decision-making, reduces spend, and increases your overall efficiency.
What is A band saw Assessment?
A&M Industrial and Starrett can conduct on-site saw tests to observe your current band saw blade performance and specific saw applications. Our band saw testing and assessment process utilizes a data-driven approach to optimize performance and lower your total cost of ownership. The key performance indictors (KPIs) we analyze to boost your band saw productivity and efficiency include:
- Cost Per Cut
- Blade Changes
- Set-Up Time
- Throughput
- Downtime & Preventive Maintenance
By tracking and analyzing the above key performance indicators (KPIs) related to band saw productivity, companies can demonstrate clear and measurable cost reductions and efficiency improvement. This unique and proven data-driven approach not only provides transparency, but also serves as a powerful tool for informed decision-making and your company's continuous improvement initiatives.
Request a starrett band saw assessment
Submit the adjacent form to request a Band Saw Assessment and to see if you qualify for Starrett's Test & Trial Blade Program:
Need Help Selecting The Right blades For Your Application?
Contact A&M Industrial's expert metalworking team for assistance with selecting the right Starrett band saw blades for your saw application, or download our exclusive Starrett Band Saw Guide for detailed speed and feed recommendations, band saw troubleshooting, and much more. Our industry-experienced team can offer solutions that increase your shop's efficiency, safety, and productivity.